Dear Patient,
Sometimes a person will ask how we acupuncturists select the points to use in a treatment. There are hundreds of points on the body—it’s a lot to keep track of, so we categorize many of them according to function. One particularly useful category is the Xi (pronounced “she”) Cleft points.
Xi-Cleft points are deep reservoirs of qi and blood. They’re especially adept at treating pain, inflammation and protracted disease of their associated meridian and organ system. Certain Xi-Cleft points also help regulate the movement of blood. And they’re mostly located on the extremities, so easy to access. They’re all-around stellar points.
One of my favorites is Spleen 8 (scroll down for location notes). It’s said that the Spleen makes the blood, so when the Spleen is out of balance, we’ll see evidence of that in the menstrual cycle: irregular periods, heavy periods, and menstrual cramps. As a Xi-Cleft point, Spleen 8 relieves pain and regulates the blood, plus it helps balance the organ that’s responsible for making the blood, the Spleen. It’s pretty much tailor-made for treating painful periods.
When I was a teenager, my friends and I referred to our menstrual cycles as “the curse.” But the menstrual cycle gives us so many clues as to what’s happening internally. It’s really more of a blessing. As for the pain of menstrual cramps, well, there’s a point for that.
Love and gratitude,
Your Acupuncturist
P.S. Each Wednesday I write about a different acupuncture point. Are there any you’re curious about? Let me know!
Location Notes:
The easiest way to find Spleen 8 is in relation to Spleen 9, which we located last week. Spleen 9 is on the inside or medial side of the tibia/shin bone, about three inches below the kneecap. The tibia flares outward at the top as it reaches the knee, like a big Y. Spleen 9 is the the depression underneath the inside curve of that Y as it starts to flare out. Spleen 8 is located about three inches below Spleen 9. It’s often very sore when you’re in the midst of a painful period.