Dear Patient,
Dampness is considered a cause of disease according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory. It can seep into your pores from the outside or be generated internally when your digestive system isn’t functioning optimally.
Over time, dampness congeals and thickens into phlegm. Phlegm creates blockages and impedes the flow of energy through your meridians. Pain and illness ensue.
A good example of this is fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by widespread pain, fatigue and mental fog. According to allopathic medicine, the exact mechanism of fibromyalgia is unknown, but any acupuncturist will tell you these are classic signs of excess phlegm and dampness clogging up your body’s meridians.
So let’s try some acupressure to break up all that phlegm and get your energy flowing. Spleen 9 and Stomach 40 are both located on the shin (scroll down for location instructions). These points are superstars—Spleen 9 is THE point for resolving dampness, and Stomach 40 is THE point for transforming phlegm. Combined, they’re a power couple.
So find the spots, rub in circles and breathe. Dampness and phlegm take a long time to accumulate and therefore a long time to resolve. Be patient. Send a loving message to your body, and trust in the power of your own healing touch.
Love and gratitude,
Your Acupuncturist
P.S. Each Wednesday I write about a different acupuncture point. Got any requests? Let me know!
Location Notes:
Spleen 9 is on the inside or medial side of the tibia/shin bone, about three inches below the kneecap. The tibia flares outward at the top as it reaches the knee, like a big Y. Spleen 9 is the the depression underneath the inside curve of that Y as it starts to flare out.
Stomach 40 is located on the outside or lateral side of the tibia/shin bone. It’s roughly halfway between your knee and your ankle. Find that approximate halfway point, then measure two finger-breadths from the crest of the tibia, toward the outside of your shin. Sometimes there will be a slight bulge in the skin at Stomach 40.
Both points are often quite tender, so feel around until you find a sore spot. Sometimes you’ll even feel a surge of energy shooting into your toes. Check out these diagrams of Spleen 9 and Stomach 40 for visuals!
I love the pictures you’ve been using lately with the handwritten notes against a nice contrasting background. You take such care with these posts—just as I imagine you take care with your clients.
My fibro body thanks you for these tips!!!!