Notes from Your Acupuncturist
Notes from Your Acupuncturist: Conversations on Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health
Ep. 17: How Acupuncture Supports a Healthy Pregnancy, with Jerusha DeGroote Stephens

Ep. 17: How Acupuncture Supports a Healthy Pregnancy, with Jerusha DeGroote Stephens

At every stage of pregnancy, acupuncture benefits parents and babies, and offers natural, drug-free relief from common ailments in pregnancy.

“Whatever is best for that patient, I show up and support them from a non-judgmental place." -Jerusha DeGroote Stephens, L.Ac.

Back in episode 11, Jerusha DeGroote Stephens and I talked about the benefits of Chinese Medicine for infertility and IVF support. Today, we’re talking about what happens AFTER the positive pregnancy test.

Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can also be a time of great anxiety, particularly for someone who’s been through a pregnancy loss. As Jerusha says, acupuncture creates the space for your brain to downshift and let go of the stress of appointments and schedules and medications. An acupuncture treatment is a time to let someone else take the wheel and take care of you (and a time when no one will ask you for a snack!)—a respite that’s desperately needed for pregnant patients and parents of young kids.

In this episode, Jerusha and I discuss:

  1. Redefining self-care as a survival and not a luxury, and why self care is so crucial during pregnancy

  2. How acupuncture can treat common health issues that arise at each stage of pregnancy, including nausea morning sickness, anxiety, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, joint and ligament pain, sciatica, gestational diabetes and hypertension

  3. Research studies supporting the use of acupuncture for cervical ripening and labor preparation, and moxibustion for turning a breech baby

  4. How acupuncture can help during the “fourth trimester” or post-natal period, by calming anxiety, replenishing qi and blood, reducing inflammation, minimizing pain and even facilitating lactation

Towards the end of the episode, Jerusha and I discuss two of my favorite things about treating pregnant patients. One is that they almost always report a lot of fetal activity during a treatment. Turns out babies in the womb love acupuncture! And increased fetal activity kind of blows that whole “acupuncture is just a placebo” argument out of the water. Another is that pre- and post-natal treatments often make for some of our best acupuncture stories, like the time my patient had her baby in the car on the way to the hospital after getting acupuncture. Jerusha shares a few of her own powerful patient stories of acupuncture doing the seemingly impossible.

I hope you enjoy this discussion on the many ways acupuncture helps support mothers, families, and new life.

Love and gratitude,

Your Acupuncturist

P.S. We do discuss pregnancy loss, so if that’s a difficult subject for you, you might want to skip this episode.

Notes from Your Acupuncturist is a reader-and listener-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

You can keep up with Jerusha online at Sprouted Heart Acupuncture and Wellness, learn more about her collaborative, integrated fertility treatment model online at Paradigm, follow Sprouted Heart on Facebook and Instagram, or contact Jerusha by email.

Huge thanks to Jerusha DeGroote Stephens for the great conversation, and to AudioCoffee for the music in this episode.

And endless love and gratitude to my paid subscribers for contributing to the sustainability of my work!


Moxibustion for Correction of Breech Presentation: A Randomized Controlled Trial:

Acupuncture for Cervical Ripening and Induction of Labor at Term - A Randomized Controlled Trial:

Notes from Your Acupuncturist
Notes from Your Acupuncturist: Conversations on Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health
Conversations on acupuncture, complementary medicine, holistic health, wellness and self-care.
Are you curious about how acupuncture works and what it treats? Do you want to know more about the benefits of acupuncture? Do you love acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine, and want to learn more about it? Are you interested in alternative medicine, complementary therapies and holistic health? Do you want more wellness and self-care in your life?
This is the show for you!
Alexa Bradley Hulsey shares insights from two decades of clinical acupuncture practice, and interviews colleagues on fascinating topics related to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
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