Last episode of the podcast explored the science of how acupuncture works. Research articles were cited, physiological processes were discussed, long words were used. Today I’m ditching all that and talking about how acupuncture REALLY works. We’ll dive into qi and blood, heat and cold, yin and yang, and all sorts of other interesting concepts that help acupuncturists understand what’s happening in the body. Think of this episode as Year One of acupuncture school condensed into 25 minutes.
So just a refresher…in episode 12 I talked about the physiological effects of acupuncture in a few key areas: improving circulation, reducing inflammation, regulating the nervous and endocrine systems, increasing endorphins, and modulating brain waves. In today’s episode I look at those key areas and explain an acupuncturist’s perspective on how exactly acupuncture produces all those changes in the body.
While the physiological changes that happen in response to acupuncture are fascinating, it's the theory and philosophy behind it that truly explains its efficacy. I hope you enjoy this completely unscientific explanation of the science behind how acupuncture works.
Love and gratitude,
Your Acupuncturist
Thanks to AudioCoffee for the music in this episode, and endless love and gratitude to my paid subscribers for contributing to the sustainability of my work!
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