Notes from Your Acupuncturist
Notes from Your Acupuncturist: Conversations on Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health
Ep. 10: Listeners and readers share health advice to their younger selves

Ep. 10: Listeners and readers share health advice to their younger selves

Lots of good advice in today’s episode…courtesy of YOU!

You are the expert on your own body. Not your doctors, not your family, not random people on the internet, not even your acupuncturist. YOU. So live in your body, hear what it has to say, and trust yourself to be the best caretaker for it.

Recently I posed a question to my readers and listeners on Substack and social media: what health advice would you give to your younger self?

The responses I got were so thoughtful, so loving and compassionate, I thought they deserved their own podcast episode.

Even though these bits of wisdom are intended for an imagined younger self, you can start practicing them at any age (well…most of them anyway). No matter what your age, I hope some of this advice is meaningful for you.

Love and gratitude,

Your Acupuncturist

Notes from Your Acupuncturist is a reader- and listener-supported publication. To receive new posts and help contribute to the sustainability of my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Thanks to AudioCoffee for the music in this episode, and endless love and gratitude to my paid subscribers for contributing to the sustainability of my work!

Notes from Your Acupuncturist
Notes from Your Acupuncturist: Conversations on Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health
Conversations on acupuncture, complementary medicine, holistic health, wellness and self-care.
Are you curious about how acupuncture works and what it treats? Do you want to know more about the benefits of acupuncture? Do you love acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine, and want to learn more about it? Are you interested in alternative medicine, complementary therapies and holistic health? Do you want more wellness and self-care in your life?
This is the show for you!
Alexa Bradley Hulsey shares insights from two decades of clinical acupuncture practice, and interviews colleagues on fascinating topics related to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Check out every episode at