May 13, 2022Liked by Alexa Bradley Hulsey

When I go to acupuncture, you ask me about my whole body and my emotions. And then you believe me. And treat me for what I observe about my own body. Being heard and seen is healing in and of itself. It gives me a chance to relax and reflect. It always works to help my asthma. No other treatment or doctor does all of that.

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I love that! Yes, being heard and seen and believed is such an essential element to healing. And being trusted that you know your own body. Thank you for sharing!

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May 13, 2022Liked by Alexa Bradley Hulsey

When I just open the door to acupuncture office and listen to calm nice music and see friendly face of acupuncturist Diana (Community acupuncture , Dennis, Cape Cod, MA) I already feel better. Diana is always paying attention, when I tell her what's bothering me. And, of course, most important, that acupuncture helps me feeling better. I'm very grateful for that!

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I love that! Thank you for sharing!

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May 14, 2022Liked by Alexa Bradley Hulsey

I’ve always had a special relationship with my acupuncturist. She’s my go-to person, if I have a question about my general health or some quirt about which I’m concerned. I’ve always felt I can have a conversation with her about my health, as opposed to a shorter question and answer with my primary care physician, with whom I also have a good relationship, but it’s just different. Over the years I’ve had multiple surgeries, not by choice, but also not emergencies. Following my acupuncturist’s advice, I’ve always had multiple treatments in the few weeks leading up to the surgeries, so that my whole body is as healthy as it can possibly be prior to the trauma and disruption of the surgeries and anesthesia. In every instance, the healing process was pretty much a non-issue. It might have taken a bit, but that was just the normal healing process and there were never any complications. I’ve always given significant credit to the advance multiple acupuncture treatments. Several years ago out of the blue, I thought, I had shingles on the right side of my face and head, about 2 weeks after having MOHS surgery also on the right side of my face/cheek. Sure enough, my acupuncturist said that diagnosis is pretty easy. The shingles were on a direct line of a meridian where the surgery occurred. So I’ll continue as long as I live to ask my acupuncturist some hard questions about my health and I’ll trust what I learn. Some of the treatment modality’s a bit magic, like the needle in the top of my head, which I like and I always smile to myself, because the air really doesn’t escape from the balloon, or the needle almost anywhere, that’s about as far away from the discomfort as it can be placed. Then other treatment’s very logical like the shingles on a straight line above where I’d had surgery. So, my acupuncturist, I sure am glad you’re an important part of my life, Dad.

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Aw, thanks Dad!

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May 13, 2022Liked by Alexa Bradley Hulsey

The first thing I notice when I walk in the center is the feeling of health and wellness. When I walk into traditional western medical groups all I feel is sickness all around me and I can't wait to get out. The next thing I notice is the peace and quiet and respect for people, for heeling, for consideration, for care, for attention. The next thing is the timing, the speed of treatment. No long waits. No disagreement about money due blahblahblah. No co-pay. LOL Then I notice the perfect treatment procedure. Questions. Listening to responses. Putting pins in where they belong. After that, it's "enjoy your rest"..."how long do you want to stay?" Who ever asks you THAT!! Nobody in the traditional western medical world where it's all hurry hurry hurry, get out and who's next? Encircle takes its time. Gives me plenty of time. Lets my body speak to me. Let's me listen.Let's me learn. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself than when I moved to Nashville from San Francisco, a place I swore I'd NEVER leave and I moved to be with the one I love, Niki. After that, acupuncture. It's a perfect life and I have all of you to thank.

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I'm gonna cry...thank you for sharing! As you say, acupuncture gives you the space to listen and learn - one of the many things I love about it!

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May 13, 2022Liked by Alexa Bradley Hulsey

Acupuncture provided me with opportunity to be still. Still mentally and physically. Which something I never do.

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Yes!!! I had a long overdue acupuncture treatment yesterday, and that's one of the things I noticed most - the stillness. I had a lot on my mind at the time, and acupuncture just quieted down all the noise.

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Acupuncture relaxes me in a way nothing else does. I will say I've had two really great acupuncturists, one in another city and one that unfortunately moved away. I went once to another person and just did not have the same experience at all. So it definitely depends on the practitioner.

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Yes, the relaxation of acupuncture is like nothing else! And the practitioner-patient relationship absolutely matters. It's one of the reasons why I love working in a group practice. If a patient isn't getting great results with me, they can see one of my colleagues.

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May 13, 2022Liked by Alexa Bradley Hulsey

I did acupuncture once (or maybe a few sessions) when I was young, for a chronic inner-ear condition. I don't remember if it helped, or how much, but I had that condition for a long time.

So, because I don't remember that well, I suppose I've practically never had acupuncture. It seems like something I'd use to treat chronic conditions, which--other than the one I already mentioned--I haven't had too many of. Then again, I'm not getting any younger, and I definitely notice things more and more...

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Some of the patients who come to my clinic don't necessarily have anything "wrong" - they just enjoy the experience of acupuncture. They feel better in some way afterwards, even if they didn't feel bad before. Sometimes the results that acupuncture produces are so subtle that they're hard to describe. And to your point of noticing things more and more, acupuncture IS great at preventing small problems from becoming big problems.

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