Are there different colors associated with these glows? Different needle points, different colors? What about "intensity"? Have there been any tests to see if certain needle points have a stronger glow than some other point? I would assume that, since every person is different and has unique physical realities, the stimulation-over-stimulation guage would vary person to person, right? I'd love to have these tests done over a period of time and compare one set of results with another, using the same point. Or has this been done already? Fascinating subject.

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Yes, all of this makes me want to ask more questions too! I don't know if there have been further studies done but it would be fascinating to see. I have some theories...

Colors: Each of the five elements has a color association, so red for fire, green for wood, etc. I'm wondering if bioluminescent colors will vary based on the patient's elemental makeup (Would a "fire" type person glow more red? Perhaps), or maybe the elemental imbalance, or the elements corresponding to the point being used (for example, Liver 3, which was used in the study, is an Earth point, so glows yellow).

Would certain points glow stronger? I think probably so. Certain points will produce a stronger "arrival of qi" sensation when needled (Large Intestine 4 between the thumb and index finger is famous for this - lots of people feel this one when needled). Also, I tell people "the more it hurts, the more you need it" - so would the points that hurt more glow brighter? Perhaps. Points on the extremities are where the qi flows more superficially, so maybe these would glow brighter too. It's all very interesting to think about!

It's when I think about questions like these that I have a fleeting desire to get a research doctorate...but I think I'm done with school! It's still fun to ponder these questions, so thank you!

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Thanks! These are great questions. I want to know EVERYthing!

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