Access Points
Dear Patient,
Where do you hold your stress? Chances are it's in a part of the body dense with acupuncture points - maybe the neck and shoulders, or the abdomen, or the chest, or the face.
Over the years I've noticed that these are the areas where people tend to hold their emotional stress. Each one is home to around 30-40 points. By contrast, areas that aren't as connected to our emotions are less point-dense. For example the thigh - not typically a place where we hold stress - is home to just about a dozen points.
Acupuncture points are nodes where our physical and emotional selves converge. They give us access to our inner workings, so we can dive deep to make changes and restore balance. Where do you hold your stress? Press around and see if you can find some tender spots. When you do, apply gentle pressure, breathe, and imagine all that stuck energy untangling itself.
Isn’t it great that the body gives us so many access points where we need it most?
Love and gratitude,
Your Acupuncturist