The Pointy End Goes in the Patient
Dear Patient,
My coworkers and I have a running joke. Whenever we welcome a new acupuncturist to our practice, or when someone returns after a vacation, we’ll say “Don’t forget…the pointy end goes in the patient.”
Dumb as this joke may be, I laugh at it every time, as it reveals a deep truth about how it’s easy to forget the fundamentals when we’re feeling unsure of ourselves.
When we start something new, or when we feel rusty after being out of practice, we can focus on the wrong things, like trying be clever or brilliant or charming when all we really need to do is get the needles in.
Forget trying to prove anything. Your work, your worth, and the truest essence of you, will speak for themselves. Just remember that the pointy end goes in the patient.
Love and gratitude,
Your Acupuncturist