Dear Patient,
It’s strange, but sometimes when you have a lot of health concerns, you end up feeling disconnected from your own body. This happens in spite of the hours spent in doctor’s offices, getting blood drawn, machines peering through your skin to assess your inner workings, answering endless questions on intake forms, being reminded of all the ways you’re not feeling well and wondering if you’ll ever feel better again.
Your body can start to feel like a malfunctioning piece of equipment. You feel in need of repair.
Doctor’s visits and tests are necessary elements of diagnosis and treatment. But looking externally for answers can lead you away from yourself. After a while, you wonder whose body you’re inhabiting.
When you feel disconnected, take comfort in knowing that your body’s inner source of wisdom and healing lies within you still. It will never leave you, because it is you. It waits for you, always ready to reconnect.
Love and gratitude,
Your Acupuncturist