Dear Patient,
Sometimes we need to be reminded that progress doesn’t always happen in a straight line.
Maybe your back pain improves for a while, but then you twist the wrong way getting out of the car and your muscles lock up again. Or maybe your colitis has been under control, but you accidentally ate the wrong thing and now you’re in a major flare. Or you haven’t had a migraine on months, until someone near you wears strong perfume.
This is simply how our bodies work, because our bodies respond to stimuli from the environment. And no matter how careful we are, something inevitably steps in and throws us off. Your body tries to help by sending out distress signals to prevent you from doing further harm.
It’s frustrating and discouraging. But please don’t lose hope if you suffer a setback in your progress. You are doing the work. You are noticing the change. Sometimes we have to backtrack and retrace our steps before moving further along a path. It’s all progress.
Love and gratitude,
Your Acupuncturist
I needed to hear this today!