Dear Patient,
Recently a patient told me about a conversation she had with her five-year-old daughter.
The patient was telling her daughter about her new volunteer gig at an organization that connects low-income people and families with resources for health and medical services. Her daughter was perplexed, and asked why people who didn’t have a lot of money needed help paying for healthcare. Why can’t they just go to the doctor when they’re sick?
It’s a concept so obvious, even a five-year-old can articulate it: everyone deserves access to healthcare.
How we deliver healthcare to everyone is up to us to decide, as individuals and as a collective. Healthcare is more than doctor visits and tests. Healthcare is food and connection, it’s mutual aid and generosity. Healthcare is the air we breathe. It’s all of us.
You don’t need a degree or title. Healthcare is neighbor-care, it’s human-care. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, and everyone should get some. Let’s all provide healthcare together.
Love and gratitude,
Your Acupuncturist
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