Delayed Benefits
Dear Patient,
Sometimes the benefits of an acupuncture treatment aren’t immediate. Tight, locked up muscles might not relax until hours later. Anxiety may linger for a few days. The body responds when it’s ready.
Your body may need time to invest in its own healing. If it’s been out of balance and unwell for a while, it might not be ready for a radical change. Don't get discouraged.
Quiet time, stillness and rest give your body a chance to ease in, to try out this new way of being. It can feel like dipping a toe into a pool before diving all the way in. Just a toe for now. Then maybe an ankle. Then perhaps wading waist-deep before submerging your whole self.
It’s good to allow the healing to unfold in its own time. Even if you can’t feel it right away, change is happening. Keep going. Keep trusting. Keep investing. The benefits will come.
Love and gratitude,
Your Acupuncturist